Good Shot Indonesia & RASA Show Mempersembahkan:
Untuk Eps. 03, Instagram ngobrol bareng Showbiz Queen(bee); Caroline Zachrie; ex-TV Presenter, MC, juga dikenal di dunia fashion sebagai seorang Supermodel.
Di sela-sela staycation-nya di salah satu hotel di daerah Nusa Dua, O’ol (sapaannya) banyak cerita tentang bisnis barunya, quality time with family in Bali, dan tentunya Model Quality Checked based on her experience.
RASA (RS): Salah satu TV show yang paling berkesan buat kita pas nonton KISMIS (Kisah-kisah Misteri). Cara ngebawainnya bikin acara itu nggak cheesy. Setelah itu mulai banyak bermunculan program tv serupa…
Caroline Zachrie (CZ): Yes, back then orang banyak suka cerita-cerita semacam itu, so when they gave me the opportunity to host the show I said, “No makeup, no scary things (on my face)…” They said okay, so… ya!
RS: Jadi awal karir sebagai presenter atau model?
CZ: Model dulu, I think it was… oh my gosh, just right after collage, around 1999, I started since 1997. Orang tua ku sangat old fashion, education (academic) is very important, whatever you wanna do is really up to you, as long as you had a bachelor to whatever degree you had, just in case something happen you have something to pull back on. Karena industri nya saat itu baru, well not new but it was the beginning of the industry, new people, there were only view models, more like an intimate arena… kalau sekarang sudah sets.
RS: Tapi memang model-model yang rare “lahir” di tahun 90-an and mostly catwalk.
CZ: Yes… dulu kan show is a very glamorous thing… dressed up, dinner, more like a mega show. Ada tari, ada MC, bukan yang cuma duduk lihat runway. It was fun time, though.
RS: How did you guys fit in? Gimana persaingannya, to reach the top?
CZ: For me, I think I’ve been very lucky that I had the opportunity, I had a good view years as a model. I don’t think it was a competition because everybody’s different… Everybody had their own look and attitude. Kalau mau yang long hair ada ini, yang serius ada ini, so it was categorized and when we’re on a catwalk, we have all these beautiful different faces and expressions, it was magical. When you mixed those looks all together, it became fantastical.
RS: And as you said, attitude juga penting ya, so it’s the beauty inside and out…
CZ: You know, sebagai model catwalk, kita tuh kayak gantungan baju. It’s not only about how the dress looks good on me, but we want the audience to see the idea of the clothes. We want to give life to the clothes. Not just walking but you’re selling this. You need to get your own take of wearing it.
RS: Bali sangat bisa menjadi playground untuk mencetak model-model bertaraf internasional. Disini banyak terjadi pernikahan silang so secara height seharusnya bisa meet the measurement of international runway. Bahkan orang Bali nya sendiri secara postur banyak yang tinggi-tinggi. Secondly, just because the privilege of living in tropical island, our skin is also very healthy.
CZ: That’s true! Jaman dulu ada pencarian bakat dari salah satu model agency paling bergengsi, Elite Model and one of the first Indonesian models who went overseas was from Bali; Tracy Trinita. Her face was so unique at that time.
RS: Speaking of attitude, it’s so rare to get the model with attitude. Bukan cuma attitude saat kerja but also the body language, like you said when you need to sell the clothes. Lebih banyak kita ketemu “model 101”, one two three pose, so kurang bisa jadi chameleon. Something to be concerned for the people in the industry. Kalau di kelas model, ini merupakan pembekalan yang sangat penting…
CZ: I think for me, whatever the job that you take, you need to be happy. Kalau kamu senang melakukannya, your aura will be different. And you’ll affect the people around you in more positive way. In my era back in the days, everybody was just excited to be on the stage. Me and my model friends, or peers, it’s all about being positive, being confident, and giving it (by) your all. Karena when you’re on stage it’s not like you’re doing it for one hour, right? You have 4 to 5 sequence and it has to be very fast. That minutes, you have to give your all. “Oh iya aku inget tadi Caroline pakai baju designer ini”, so it’s not like “Tadi siapa ya yang pake baju yang mana”, no. They’re watching, to remember you!
RS: Dari modeling, merambah jadi presenter. Ceritanya gimana awalnya?
CZ: I started MC-ing by accident. Replacing my friend, she lost her voice on the day. She went to the client and their approved, I think it was Mercedes Awards apa gitu, a very big deal, banyak tamu dari Singapur, I have no background, nervous, but it was actually went very well. After that people noticed oh ternyata kamu juga bisa ngemcy yaa… And everything is in English so it’s easy for me. Dari situ MC acara-acara lifestyle, fashion, sometimes moderator, product launching… and then I became presenter.
RS: Berarti KISMIS (Kisah-kisah Misteri) perdana layar kaca kah, atau?
CZ: Actually my first was MTV Asia. Waktu itu MTV baru mau masuk ke Indonesia, it was still Nadya (Hutagalung), Jamie Aditya as Indonesia’s representative, and then aku dan beberapa lainnya dapat fantastic opportunity to host the show, but at the end I didn’t get the job cause my Indonesian, as you can tell, is not really fluent, while they need orang yang bisa bahasa Indonesia to catch the Indonesian market.
RS: By the way, what makes you decide to move to Bali?
CZ: It was not really my choice but my husband. We got married and lived in Singapore for 5 years, and then we moved to Yangon, Myanmar, we had a fantastic 3 years there, and then baru pindah ke Bali August 2018. He always wanted to go back to Indonesia but because sabbatical, dia pengen yang really enjoying life with the family, because he was really busy, travelling a lot, so basically he just want to be in one place and enjoy family time and picked Bali. The quality of life for especially my son, it’s nice to be around the beach, the nature, we opted to go to Bali and turned I was enjoying it. Before I was more like a city girl, but dari Yangon ke Bali was actually quite a nice landing. It’s not like I came from New York or big cities.
RS: With Jonah, your son, how did he cope-in? Dengan pindah-pindah kota, apalagi sekarang banyak study from home? He plays soccer, right?
CZ: He plays soccer. He loves to be here. Jonah is a very conservative shy boy, so it’s a nice environment, it’s not too big. And all about soccer! Untungnya Pascal, my husband juga senang main bola so when they’re at home mereka main bola. Talk about world cup apalah, I’m just sitting there like okay… I don’t understand but watching them together yeah, we love the quality time.
RS: So you will be settled here in Bali?
CZ: For now, or maybe for another year but for now ya, with this uncertain situation, whatever happen in the world right now, I think we’re very blessed, very lucky to be able to live in Bali. The Balinese has a very high level of spirituality. And their community is big, they really help each other out, how they’re dealing with the pandemic right now, when I talk to my friends in Jakarta, they like… you looks like you’re having fun, it’s not like I’m having fun, but we’re actually living at peace, because they quite discipline on what they do, and for us yang penting we fought for a cause, we follow the protocols, we take care of our self and people around us, and just have a very positive attitude. It’s also because it’s in the island kali yah, jadi orang agak lebih chilled… If I’m in Jakarta I wouldn’t be like this. Lol… Your wellbeing depends on where you are in the world.
RS: Speaking of which, do you embrace this positive attitude after you’re in Bali or you already like that? Cause’ your business related to spa and wellness…
CZ: I think I am calmer now, not just because I live in Bali, but as I grow older, also being a mother is a wakeup call to like, you are an example to your children. If you always worry, or always in a rush, for me if I remain calm and positive, itu yang akan diambil oleh Jonah. He sees a calmness in his parent, it affected his attitude and upbringing as well.
RS: What about your spa and your other business…
CZ: I have two businesses in Bali. I have a retail business; ladies’ wear called Carina Indonesia with my partner, Rina. We launched it summer of last year, so it’s one year anniversary! J And Terra Spa with two other partners, three lady bosses. For me, I love to go to the spa, I like to feel rejuvenated, sometimes when you’re too busy, you forget to take care of yourself, and then you get so tired. We need our me-time, so waktu diajak gabung I said yes.
RS: Konsepnya seperti apa?
CZ: Our market is basically Japanese and other tourists, dan karena itu satu nuansa dengan Uma Sapna, which is villas and hotels, so it’s part of the hotel juga. So they have lots of in-house guest yang datang ke spa kita juga.
RS: Kalau Carina Indonesia?
It’s a mix between me and Rina, makanya namanya Carina; Caroline and Rina. We want to have Indonesia because we thought; look, if you see all these like fantastic brands, they always think it’s overseas, that is why we put Indonesia, it’s made here, by Indonesian artisan, we are proud to called it’s made in Indonesia. The concept basically is effortless-leash-chic, women’s wear. Me, I love to mix and match. I love to wear clothes where I don’t have to think twice, I just want to put on something that is comfortable, it makes me feel confident, so that’s basically the philosophy behind Carina. It’s effortless piece that is essential in every women’s closet. Must have items like a little black dress, you know, simple for travelling, can wear it in any occasions, dress it up in heels, dress it down in sandals. And a lot of our market, we cater to the Bali or local market as well, tapi karena kita nggak punya toko, we do lots of popups, trunk shows, we hit Jakarta, it was a huge success, we did Singapore, we plan to do it in Hongkong, antusiasme orang-orang yang datang ke event kita, it was really great, very positive.
RS: How do you manage everything?
CZ: It’s easier with the digital, I think it’s great because right now you don’t need office space, you just can be mobile everywhere, you can cook while you’re working, and women are very multitasking. I can do a lot of things in one time, so…
RS: Balik sedikit about business, because you do this with friends. Apakah pernah ada konflik, beda taste, beda pendapat?
CZ: For Carina, it’s just me and Rina so, waktu aku ketemu Rina tahun lalu, we just cliqued. We have the same background, we were educated in the states, in California, it’s nice to have someone who understood the ideas that I had, and she’s more rational and operational, so it works well. Karena kita kayak yin and yang. Nggak bisa ada dua matahari it has to be balanced. In term of concept, we both layout what we would like Carina to be, and then we have the same taste in styles, maybe it’s a bit different here and there, tapi nggak yang tiba-tiba completely different. Ada beberapa elemen dari Carina itu yang the strong foundation we have it in both of us. It makes working quite enjoyable. If we don’t agree, we just talk and move on.
With Terra, kita bertiga. Aku bagian Marketing, Sekar is the architect behind the entire concept, that makes our vision a reality, Monica comes from 25 – 30 years of spa management, operation, so she’s the spa lady, and I am the one who basically sells the idea of wellness. Masing-masing punya role sendiri-sendiri, jadi we compliments each other.
RS: It’s like a marriage ya… and compromise…
CZ: For me, if you work with anybody, you have to compliments each other. A lot of compromise, and you have to respect each other, jangan yang, oh lo nggak ada pengalaman, jadi lo nggak usah macem-macem, you will feel very left-out and unappreciated. And then that’s when everything just go down.
RS: Sedikit ngulang about model karena tadi sempat ada glitch (when do the live ig)… Model in 90s era with millennials, bedanya apa? And how to get the model quality?
CZ: I think the different would be… when I was modeling, there were a lot of models. Not so competitive. Of course it’s competition but it’s healthy. Karena nggak banyak saingan in one category, you know. Where now, it’s the industry. There’s a lot of models coming from overseas, able to work here. Aku awalnya pengen jadi model karena I wanted to travel the world. I wanted to learn about people, culture, I wanted to have that knowledge. To be able to see the world while doing what I love to do, and I got the opportunity which is amazing. And now, the industry is changing. It’s not the same as it was 20 years ago, you have to improve and evolve. We cannot sleep in the past.
RS: Trus gimana biar model kita juga bisa mendapat space di kancah internasional? Atau modal apa yang paling penting dipunyai seorang model untuk bisa dikenal sebagai supermodel?
CZ: I think you have to be unique in your own way. You cannot just be a copy of somebody else, and then… determination and hard work. You still need to work hard, it’s not like it’s given. Show good attitude. Respect those around you, I think it’s very important, saling menghargai orang-orangnya, the designers, the cue-ers, the choreographers, music director, everyone that involved on the show, you have to put respect, because that’s how they will remember you.
Udara Yarri is currently working as Events & Promotions Manager at The Mulia, Mulia Resort & Villas – Nusa Dua, Bali. His experience in media include broadcaster at Hardrock FM Bali, UFM Jakarta (ex-Femina Group), Show Manager Jakarta Fashion Week (also part of Femina Group), and Marcomm at Fashion TV Indonesia.
Tisa Pattiasina is a Marketing & Public Relation at TS Suites Bali in Seminyak. She was a Guest Personal Officer, and Marketing Promotion at Univ. Pelita Harapan in Surabaya. Besides being a new mother, she also manage an AirBnB property.
Nah yang mau nonton langsung interview mereka bareng Caroline Zachrie, ada disini
RASA Show is Udara & Tisa
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