Good Shot Indonesia in Collaboration with RASA Show, Episode: 04
Di tengah pandemi yang terasa begitu lama, RASA Show dibikin makin penasaran dengan salah satu Influencer asal Jakarta yang sudah tiga bulan ini “stranded” di Bali, but still look awesome and very happy.
Pengen tau tips-nya, Udara dan Tisa langsung ngajak ngobrol Alvasus yang, antara nyangka nggak nyangka, muncul di quarantini sesh kali ini dengan filter butterfly. What a charming guy!
RASA Show (RS): Gimana cerita awalnya bisa stranded di Bali?
Alvasus (A): I don’t plan to be here for that long. Aku datang pertama kali di Bali tuh bulan April tanggal 12. And that’s the plan to escape Jakarta awalnya, temen aku bilang, “Mendingan kamu ke Bali deh karena there’s no point of being in Jakarta, kamu nggak bisa kemana-mana, cuma di kamar, nggak ada gym, there’s no fresh air”, terus aku mikir, iya sih financially it’s not really wise to go because I will spend so much for my lifestyle, tapi aku juga harus mentingin my mental health kan, especially during this time karena kalo akunya nggak bisa ngelihat udara segar, ngga bisa olahraga, olahraga itu salah satu primary needs nya aku banget, if I don’t work out, aku ngerasa nggak enak banget, kayak gampang sakit, I get quite anxious, kalau di Bali I can work out almost everyday.
RS: Pas nyari tempat direkomen teman atau gimana?
A: Awalnya aku cari sendiri lewat Air BnB, tapi pas udah sebulan ada teman yang nawarin untuk stay di villa-nya sampai sekarang.
RS: So it’s almost 3 months now…
A: Iya nggak berasa banget dari April, Mei, Juni, sekarang udah Juli aja. Gila, cepet banget!
RS: Udah ada keinginan untuk pulang? Soalnya kok kayaknya kita lihat, kita sampai cukup yakin Alva pindah ke Bali nih!
A: I was actually thinking about that too, but I have a career, I have a job to do in Jakarta, jadi kalo menurut aku, ketika ada job opportunity yang di Jakarta yang bisa aku kerjakan, I’ll come back to Jakarta, tapi as long as there’s no job opportunity yet, I think I’ll be here.
RS: But how about your financial thing, because you don’t actually live here, your job is actually in Jakarta, are you making money during this pandemic, or you just spend your saving?
A: I always make a plan, misal for a month, apa aja yang bisa aku kerjain, what kind of income that I can earn. I sell healthy juice, I collaborate with Acaii for the healthy drinks, I still do my fashion collabs with Veresa, I’m working on some other fashion collaborations’ project yang masih belum launching… I’m not the kind of person yang suka posting my work. I post the styling at the end-result, I don’t really post kayak the job that I’ve got from commercials, or behind the scene, or the process, I just post the result of my work. But that’s why I think I’m able to maintain that during this time.
RS: The thing that we learn from you is that having only skill or just being talented is not enough, but you have to be creative especially during this pandemic. Banyak orang yang keok, nggak bisa mikir, akhirnya pulang ke tempat asal mereka dan nggak balik lagi ke Bali padahal mereka kerja disini, because they don’t know how to be creative during this hard situation. Ngelihat postingan kamu, to see your positive vibes, that’s the thing that inspires us.
A: Iya, aku tuh kayak… I want to work, so any kind of job that I can do, any kind of opportunity that I get, I’ll make sure I maximize it and I’ll use it.
RS: Ada daily routine yang berubah nggak selama di Bali?
A: Aku di Jakarta itu very discipline, I would say. I wake up, I have routine, I go to the gym 5 to 7 times a week, makan aku di kontrol banget kayak I make my green juice every morning, I picked my lunch…
Di Bali of course lebih go with the flow, especially now I live with couple of friends, mereka makan apa aku ikut. Sometimes we eat at late night, I don’t really pay attention to the diet like crazy. Di Jakarta aku mikirnya, I have to be this lean and fit, kalau di Bali lebih relax, terus kalo di Jakarta kan of course I go to the mall almost everyday karena kerjaan aku basically di mall, sedangkan di Bali aku nggak keluar-keluar juga, cuma ke gym, di gym juga yang sepi banget, and then go home. I’m easily adapted to any kind of situation, so for me living in Bali is just like super-duper long holiday.
But at the same time I try to do a bit of work everyday, jadi kayak aku setiap hari ada sedikit yang di accomplished, try to do as much as I can. Setiap hari, aku list down of the things that I want to do, what I can do today and the things that I will be able to do. Biar nggak stress, nggak mikirin kayak “Aduh aku kok nggak ngapa-ngapain”, aku catat. So sebenernya banyak banget hal-hal yang bisa dikerjakan, cuman tergantung hari itu mood aku lagi pengen ngerjain apa. Misalnya aku lagi pengen cari ide-ide design yang baru, I’ll spend that day focusing on finding design ideas. Atau hari ini aku mau focus on think ways of selling something, I’ll focus on that day to think of something. Ada hari dimana aku pikir ya udah hari ini I just want to have fun, I wanna make tik tok, I wanna cook, I wanna read a book, I go to the beach, that’s what I’ll do. Jadi nggak setiap hari juga aku malas-malasan atau having fun, but there are some days where I also put some works into my routine. Cuma pengennya sih bisa lebih di fokusin lagi kerjanya karena kan Freelancer itu udah biasa kerja when there’s a work. So when there is no work, I have to now try to build or make that work comes from myself, gitu lho, bukannya nunggu kerjaan ada, tapi how can I create the work in this kind of environment, or how do I find a work on this kind of environment.
RS: I think it’s easier for us yang bekerja di bidang creative because naturally we can think something else to survive. Kan banyak orang-orang yang kerja kantoran atau 9 to 5 banget biasanya, mereka memang nggak used to it untuk being creative jadi itu yang lebih hard untuk survive…
A: That’s why kalau buat aku, this is just by personal preference, find as many work or things that you can do during this time, making sure kalau plan A didn’t work out, you need plan B, plan C and so on. As long as you want to work, kayaknya kerjaan apapun bisa dicari selama kitanya mau kerja.
RS: Being productive ya. Kayak ada temen gue yang ternyata pas masak, eh, masakannya enak, kayak gitu-gitu… menggali potensi diri banget ya… dan memang musti dicatet satu-satu sih bener, kalau nggak besok lupa.
A: I have a paper, and I divide the section, kayak ini kerjaan yang berhubungan sama creative, ini yang berhubungan sama sales & marketing, and then berhubungan sama self-improvement. Misalnya aku work out, aku gym, I write down what I want to do, the information, aku tulis tipe-tipe diet yang aku bisa kerjakan, cara aku biar bisa lebih konsisten, so everything is a learning actually, even when it’s spending time with yourself, that’s a work for yourself.
RS: Kayak kata lo tadi, kita tuh nggak pernah lihat lo tulis semua itu!
A: That’s what I do, tapi aku tuh kayak harus benar-benar yakin bisa jadikan ini contoh ke orang lain. Kalau aku cuman kayak, “Hey guys, this is how you should do for yourself”, tapi aku sendiri nggak kayak gitu, I don’t want to be an example that I’m not like that in real life. You have to do it di dunia nyata baru you can share it to people in social media.
RS: That’s what makes you an influencer.
A: I’m sure many people juga bisa kayak gitu lah… (smiling).
RS: (Udara) Speaking of your work out, it’s your endurance. Gue tuh kayak always push myself to do things in term of working out but when it comes to power, gue mudah lelah… Makanya gue tuh selalu iri lihat badan lo, I mean, it’s a lot of work, right?
A: Aku tuh lagi bener-bener nggak karuan banget makannya. Cuman karena my trainer told me, “you have to bulk-up this time”, jadi aku kayak, yaudah lah aku makannya happy-happy aja, nggak yang clean-clean banget. The secret of my endurance is that I love cardio. I focus on my core, kalau kita core-nya kuat, kita suka cardio, otomatis ketika kita work out, we have a very long energy and power. I got so much endorphin!
RS: You said exercise makes endorphin, and endorphin makes people happy, I think that is why you always such a joyous personality, very bubbly, you always like that, I mean, you’re that kind of person?
A: Kalau aku olah raga atau doing things that I like, aku happy banget sih, kayak all the endorphin are coming out. Karena cinta olah raga, you have a good work out, you sweat a lot, you burns calories you feel like woow… I’m so energized.
RS: Kalau orang 100%, Alva tuh 1000%. Energinya dari mana, ternyata karena exercise. Padahal kalau orang lain pasti mikir yang namanya exercise, abis itu pasti cape, pengennya rebahan… itu mind set kebanyakan orang sih…
A: Pas aku angkat beban itu memang I will take a rest. Kayak aku pasti cape, harus makan, tapi kalau habis exercise yang kayak cardio yang bener-bener high intensity training, itu kayak wow, seger banget. Dan pengen langsung kayak bener-bener, apa yaa…
RS: Awalnya ngejalanin healthy lifestyle? Is it like you woke up one day and then, okay I wanna do gym and shape my body, or?
A: You’ll find it very weird, but the first time I actually signed up at the gym itu after I watched the movie called Nerve, yang main Emma Roberts sama Dave Franco. Trus aku kayak, I want my body to look like Dave Franco! Selama ini aku kalau lihat badan orang, nggak pernah kepengen punya that muscular body, tapi when I watch the movie, I was like, “Oh I want to have that body”, so I signed up to the gym, it was 2016, 4 years ago. I started doing it with PT ever since, trus kayak I enjoy the journey, aku nggak pernah tuh bolos gym sampe satu bulan, ada masa-masa yang aku nge-gym bisa gila banget, sehari dua tiga kali, for like a month or so, dan makannya tuh yang bersih banget.
Trus motivasi aku selalu, if I wanna go on holiday, I want my body to look the best. Cause I love to eat. Jadi I’ll make sure I deserve to eat that. Tapi itu dulu pemahaman yang agak kurang sustainable sih… karena begitu nggak liburan ya kita makannya ngawur aja. Nah, that’s why when I’m here, yaudah lah makannya apa aja, ada Waktu Indonesia Makan Malam… eat nasi jinggo rutin with friends.
Tapi I feel happy, selama masih bisa working out, bisa menjaga nggak berlebihan, I think it’s fine.
RS: What is your type of work out?
A: Strength and Cardio. Strength itu lifting weights, kita do free weights, so I do a lot of that, and sekarang aku baru belajar calisthenics where I learn body weight, skill kayak pull-up, hand stand, belajarin itu. Beberapa kali latihan di Pantai Berawa yang ada bars-nya untuk latihan calisthenics.
Aku bukan yang jago banget but I’ll share what I know. Banyak yang tanya core work out, buat aku penting banget. Aku inget banget dulu aku nggak pernah tidur sebelum ngelakuin 5 to 10 minutes of abs; sit up, leg raise, crunches… every night for a year.Tapi sekarang udah nggak sih, karena the abs is already there! Hahaha…
RS: Wow… (Tiza) yang sudah beranak… ngumpulin niat nya dulu nihh…
A: Cewek core nya lebih kuat daripada cowok lho… that’s why you give birth, right? Ya intinya kita happy, itu sih yang terpenting kalo menurut aku. I don’t work out to look good. I work out to be healthy and to live long. Kalau aku work out cuma buat look good, gampang banget aku suntik-suntik aja, aku selesai badannya bagus langsung, orang suka, tapi itu bukan goal aku. My goal is I want to live long, I want to enjoy this life as long as I could, and to enjoy healthy things. Menurut aku, the best luxury that I have is not having to go to the hospital. Kalau imun aku kuat, nggak perlu ke rumah sakit, aku aja dua minggu lalu kayak keracunan makanan, I feel like it’s the worst sickness I ever felt. Dan itu semua gara-gara makanan. Badan bagus mah bonus doang, tapi yang paling penting we’re healthy dan kita mind set nya bener.
RS: Kalau ngomongin soal food. You have some products as well, dan some collabs. Awalnya dari 2016 itu juga ya berarti?
A: Aku kan ada healthy sausage that I launched, itu kan awalnya ada my client dia bikin healthy sausages, and dia bilang, “let’s build this brand together”, dijual segala macem, terus aku kayak… ini sosis sehat dan enak, aku nggak pernah makan sosis yang aku suka, karena I feel like sosis itu there’s a lot of meat banget kan, dan rasanya asin, sometimes over tasty, dan kandungan fat-nya lumayan tinggi. Tapi pas aku makan chicken sausage yang ini aku kayak ngerasa this is really yummy and good. I enjoy it dan abis itu kayak udah, we start doing the thing. Dan minuman juga sama. Aku udah minum minuman brand Acaii that I collaborate with udah lama banget, 2 tahunan, dan taunya the beginning of this year they said they want to collaborate with me, aku brainstorm sama mereka, thinking the ways (on how) we can contribute to people’s life, minumannya nggak cuma enak tapi juga sehat. Karena kan kita dari kecil, aku selalu dibiasain sama orang tua aku jangan suka minum yang manis-manis, tapi sometimes kita kan pengen ya minum manis-manis, yang enak, yang enjoyable, nah aku bikin alternative minuman manis yang enak tapi juga sehat without sugar.
RS: Anyway, Alva kan juga dikenal sebagai Celebrity Stylist. Buat yang kerja di dunia fashion sih sudah ngerti ya, tapi buat yang masih awam… emang Celebrity perlu Stylist? What’s the interesting part of being Celebrity Stylist? Kamu kan personal stylist-nya Cinta Laura kalau nggak salah…
A: Celebrity Stylist is actually a work disaat kita cariin baju untuk Celebrity when they have an event, kayak premiere, atau ada iklan, atau misalnya mereka mau holiday, they need outfits, biasanya kan mereka sibuk, they have so many routines yang mereka nggak bisa ngurus sendiri mereka mau pake baju apa, then that’s when the Stylist find the outfits for them to wear. Disitu aku bantuin mereka cari pakaian yang cocok buat dipakai ke keseharian mereka.
RS: (Tisa) Style itu juga mungkin mencerminkan karakter mereka ya. Misal biasanya bajunya pink terus tapi mungkin di styling-in dengan gaya dan warna lain ternyata auranya lebih keluar atau gayanya jadi lebih edgy or something like that, itu mungkin yang seorang Celebrity Stylist punya kemampuan untuk ngebaca oh celeb ini cocoknya pakai baju ini… But awal berkarirnya apakah memang jadi stylist untuk photoshoot dulu, atau karena networking ngedandanin teman yang kebetulan celeb?
A: Awalnya diminta Dimas Beck, dari situ dikenalin ke Laudya Cynthia Bella, dari situ jadi ke yang lainnya juga.
RS: Sekarang kan udah banyak banget Celebrity yang kamu dandanin. Siapa sih, Celebrity Indonesia yang kamu pengen dandanin tapi belum kesampean?
A: Kalau aku itu bakal styling-in siapa aja sih basically. Aku selalu excited ketika ada orang yang minta, karena biasanya mereka udah tau style aku kayak gimana, they know how I work, daripada kayak aku pengen styling-in ini, tapi I don’t know the personality. Dulu awal-awal kerja aku pernah mimpi kayak, enak ya kalau bisa kerja bareng The Kardasian, misalnya, but now I think, unless they want me to work with them, I don’t think it will work the other way around.
RS: Let your work speaks ya…
A: I don’t aim too high for my career, but I aim high for myself. Jadi kalau diri aku udah punya goal yang aku tau bener, I think it will help me to live my life happier.
RS: Tapi kamu termasuk yang live the present, atau you already have a plan or goal ke depannya, seorang Alva harus jadi apa atau seperti apa?
A: Plan of course… Aku harus bikin kayak, “Okay… this year, what I want to do, what I want to accomplished”, tapi aku tuh merasa, life surprises me all the time, jadi aku nggak perlu plan yang gimana-gimana banget, life always surprise me with things that I never thought could happen.
RS: Jadi kayak 2020 mungkin udah punya plan ya, tapi corona tiba-tiba muncul sekonyong-konyong. Itu juga life surprise, lho.
A: Iya sih, tapi nggak juga yang gimana banget, aku bisa ngelihat, “Okay, this is how it feels ketika kita semua disuruh untuk slow down, untuk mencoba kayak lebih tenang, look back of what we did, actually itu lebih kayak… aku nggak serem or paranoid, makanya aku lebih prefer di Bali karena nggak se-parno di Jakarta.
RS: By the way, ada upcoming project apa nih?
A: until it’s done, again, aku bukan tipe orang yang share what I’m gonna do. Nanti kalau udah siap, I will put it out, kalau buat fashion yaa… Tapi kalau buat minuman, I will launch another variant of healthy drink yang aku collaborate with Acaii. Karena kalau fashion kan, the excitement is different. By the time I post, baru orang bilang, “Oh, so he do this”, or do that…
RS: You make tik tok account when you’re in Bali, right? Sama Anaz Siantar dan Patricia Gouw.
A: Iya, baru banget! Aku cuman pake tik tok buat seru-seruan sama mereka sih, terus kalo mereka udah nggak ada, yaudah lah aku nggak bikin dulu, karena I really like doing it with friends. Karena kalo nggak ada mereka, aku juga bingung, my tik tok cuman yah… joged-joged sexy… LOL
RS: If you can choose any person in the world, can you choose 3 persons that you want to be stranded with?
A: Ariana Grande, because I love her and I think she will be a perfect house mate. And then, this amazing fitness person, namanya tuh Devon Levesque, he’s on instagram, olah raga dia tuh keren-keren banget, he’s the one kayak aku selalu inspired by looking at him, so untuk yang sehat-sehat ada dia, sama satu lagi… I would say Gwyneth Paltrow. Halu banget sih ini tapi this is so good yaa… Hahaha
RS: Kalau harus pilih salah satu, Alva lebih pengen dikenal sebagai apa? Celebrity Stylist, Influencer or healthy lifestyle guru?
A: Semuanya dong. I am myself and I do some works. I think we should not limit our self, kita nggak divine base on our work but who we are. Alva itu apa? Alva is a human being. Same as Tisa and Udara. Alva just like doing things that other people mungkin bisa relate and some might not. I am just a person.
RS: Jadi kalau disuruh pilih, mending di Jakarta atau di Bali?
A: Aku masih nggak bisa milih sih… aku kangen banget sama client-client dan kerjaan ku di Jakarta, pergi ke mall pilih-pilih baju, email-emailan sama PR, pas hari H steam-steam baju, tapi at the same time, di Bali juga seneng kayak I really focus on my working out, belajar hal-hal yang baru kalo disini. Dua-duanya sih enak banget. Ya we’ll see lah, I’m just going with the flow.
RS: In term of the character ya karena kan disana big city, disini lebih island vibes. Tapi sebetulnya kalau untuk the industry itself, kan sekarang semua udah go digital, jadi jarak udah nggak jadi obstacle lagi untuk do anything di digital era, even sekarang sudah mulai teaser digital fashion week.
A: Aku kalau nggak ngerjain kerjaan aku di Jakarta, I never met the people that I know now, ya we’ll see lah how thing goes, karena Bali punya its own charm, dulu aku pernah bilang, aku bingung kenapa Bali itu belum bisa jadi center of the fashion di Indonesia, padahal kayak di Eropa, Paris is like the capital of fashion, Milan, kayak fashionnya tuh bagus-bagus semua kan, kenapa di Indonesia cuman Jakarta, mungkin sekarang juga Surabaya, tapi kota-kota lain yang produksi baju paling banyak, textile kayak Bandung, atau Bali, itu malah nggak gitu kedengeran, kan… Padahal kalo aku sering lihat di Bali, especially in Canggu, people dress-up very well. Their outfits are like so nice. They’re like so cool! Kenapa kita nggak bisa bikin fashion di Bali kayak… Bali should have their own fashion identity. Harusnya bisa di promote as fashion capital of Indonesia juga. Hopefully in the future I can work along with that vision.
RS: Ada comment sekilas (from viewer), kalo Bali buat Alva is for jodoh?
A: Enak ajaaa… LOL
Nanti lah kalau udah stabil, personality aku udah bener baru aku mikir kesana. Kalau nggak, I don’t wanna think of relationship. Same with my parents, whenever they ask me if I wanna have a relationship, I said, “No, I want to focus on myself first. Relationship is not important for me at this moment”.
I just wanna make friends. Good friends equal to good relationship. Kalau relationship kan you just like bounce with one person. Kalo friends, you can have friends as many as you want. Kalau kita merasa kita belum mau or belum siap, why should we do it, ya kan? No one can put a pressure to us, we should be the one that remaining when do we want to have a relationship, not people.
RS: Seeing Alva from the beginning of the interview till almost the end, you are so cheerful. Is there anything that ever let you down?
A: Of course, tapi ketika aku ketemu orang like I am seeing you guys, when I speak to people and I feel like I can be happy when I talk with them, the happiness comes out naturally. When I’m sad, I tend to keep it for myself or telling my close friend. Jadi nggak harus happy all the time, but why I look happy on social media because I want to spread the happiness. When I post something negative, orang yang lihat bisa jadi sedih juga, so I want to be wise on social media. Showing just beautiful or nice things will make people feel happy as well.
RS: Berapa lama waktu terlama you’re feeling down?
A: Sehari kali yah… The next day I’ll try to get up and do things that make me happy or focus on the things that will refresh my mind again, kayak gitu sih.
RS: (Tisa) I feel so relate because we work in hospitality industry so when we meet people, our customers or clients, they don’t need to know our problem. We need to show them that we’re happy to meet them.
A: Kalau ada orang kasar atau jahatin aku, if I feel I have something to work on, that’s on me. Aku coba buat awareness, sebelum ada orang ngomong ke aku, aku harus work on my ego, lebih empathy ke orang, tapi kalau ada yang bilang aku kasar sama mereka, I don’t have to take it personally, aku nggak yang… Oh, aku benci sama dia, nggak mau lagi berteman sama dia, people have their own reason when they do things, and we should never judge people by only one action yang mereka lakuin ke kita. Mungkin ya udah setelah itu kita nggak berteman lagi, udah nggak cocok lagi but doesn’t mean mereka orang yang jahat. I believe everyone is good people. Ketika kita aja bisa punya bad days, mereka juga sama. That’ why kita juga harus bisa pengertian juga sama orang lain.
RS: There’s no bad people, there’s only good people and people in a bad mood.
A: Iya… Karena semua orang baik, cuman ya kalo kita udah nggak nyambung, ada personality orang-orang yang memang kita tau nggak cocok sama kita, ya kita nggak usah bergaul, itu kan namanya kita juga protect our self.
RS: Jadi bad comment netizen semua mental ya…
A: For me, kalau ada yang sebar negativity, aku mau delete. Cause I don’t want that in my life. Simple J
Udara Yarri is currently working as Events & Promotions Manager at The Mulia, Mulia Resort & Villas – Nusa Dua, Bali. His experience in media include broadcaster at Hardrock FM Bali, UFM Jakarta (ex-Femina Group), Show Manager Jakarta Fashion Week (also part of Femina Group), and Marcomm at Fashion TV Indonesia.
Tisa Pattiasina is a Marketing & Public Relation at TS Suites Bali in Seminyak. She was a Guest Personal Officer, and Marketing Promotion at Univ. Pelita Harapan in Surabaya. Besides being a new mother, she also manage an AirBnB property.
Nah yang mau nonton langsung interview mereka bareng Alvasus, ada disini:
RASA Show is Udara & Tisa
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